Your Trusted Claims Partner

Daily & Desk Adjusting
NCP Group provides daily claim service in select areas throughout the Continental U.S. Our adjusting staff does not respond to catastrophes and operates as a completely separate division within NCP Group. As those on our staff progress in their careers to a point at which they no longer wish to travel the country responding to one catastrophe after another, we are able to provide daily claims work within their home state.
Our veteran adjusters are thoroughly trained, constantly reviewed, possess the technical, organizational and customer service skills to work successfully, and are hand selected to provide superior service to our clients with daily claim needs.
NCP understands claim response can affect the integrity of our client’s brand. That is why we have harnessed our resources and are building partnerships the old fashioned way – through honesty, integrity, quality and reliability in all that we do.
Catastrophe Response
When a catastrophe occurs, lives are affected, communities are impacted, and insurers can become quickly overwhelmed. Whether your event produces 30 claims or 30,000 claims, NCP can effectively support you.
Our CAT teams are veteran adjusters who have worked countless disasters and assignments, are thoroughly trained, constantly reviewed and have submitted to a thorough background investigation. When called to action, we are ready to respond. We will never over commit our resources and can be counted on to respond as needed. We work closely with our clients prior to an event to prepare a specific CAT plan for each client so that we can anticipate potential response levels. This process involves close collaboration with our clients, builds strong partnerships and assures that a plan is put in place that will achieve their goals.

Adjuster Training
Whether it is in response to unexpected weather events or to the incidents that occur every day, the need for experienced property adjusters is constant. Strong adjuster training and continuing education are critical to the success of almost every property claims handling organization. It stands to reason that the more trained and educated an adjuster is, the more value they add to their organization.
We train our claims managers and adjusters in advance of an event with emphasis on learning the culture, policies, procedures, data systems, claim assignment, information exchange, and expectations of our clients. Our adjuster training is designed to provide adjusters with the tools they need to succeed in this industry. We understand that obtaining certification, licensing, and software knowledge can be daunting tasks, which is why we provide comprehensive training that is easy to understand and follow. With our help, adjusters will be prepared to take on any challenge that they may face out in the field.